Tell the IRS About your Bank Account FOr Your Economic Impact Payment

If you don’t file taxes, use the link below to tell the IRS about the bank account into which you want your Economic Impact Payment deposited;
"Non-Filers: Enter Your Payment Info Here" application to provide simple information so you can get your payment.

If you receive benefits from Social Security retirement, disability (SSDI), railroad retirement or survivor benefits you will receive your payment into the same account in which you receive your current payments.

What if you typically owe with your return so the IRS would not have your bank account information?

The link for those that file but have not provided direct deposit information (if you owe money as opposed to getting a refund typically) will be active sometime mid-April according to the IRS. We will post the link here once it is live.

If you need assistance you can call Scholl & Company, LLP at (831) 758-5966 or email