Tax Preparation, Planning, and Audit Representation

We would be honored to chat with you about your accounting, tax and finances whether personal or business. We offer a Free, No-Obligation consultation (at your place or ours). During our meeting we will discuss your concerns and questions and let you know how we can help you and our costs. Our consultations are not just sales pitches, we will offer you some solid ideas and solutions to help you right off the bat. To schedule a consultation at a time convenient for you call Scholl & Arensdorf, LLP toll-free
at (888) 758-5966 or click here to email us.

tax preparation

Do You Pay Too Much Tax?
If you’re like most Americans, you probably think you pay too much tax. And you’re probably right! So perhaps you’re considering a new tax pro this year.

Most tax professionals do a fine job putting the “right” numbers in the “right” boxes on the “right” forms. But then they call it a day.

It doesn’t matter how good your tax preparer is with a stack of receipts on April 15. The real secret to reducing your tax bill is planning.

At Scholl & Arensdorf, LLP we’re different! We don’t just record history. We help you write it, with a complete lineup of court-tested, IRS-approved concepts and strategies to give you the savings you really want.

Do you have unique tax issues?
Everyone's personal income tax situation is unique. Some of the more common tax return preparation challenges we help clients with on a regular basis include the following.

Multi-state and non-resident income tax returns. Expatriate income tax returns.
Unique tax return issues resulting from divorce or recent marriages.
Tax issues for domestic partners.
Reporting and planning for like-kind exchanges (Section 1031 exchanges, etc.) for both real estate and business assets.
Reporting the purchase, sale or merger of businesses.
Tax reporting and planning for stock awards and stock options (ISOs, non-qualified stock option plans, etc.

This year, don’t settle for just “filing” your return. Call us today at (831) 758-5966 or (888) 758-5966 for your free Tax Analysis. We’ll find the mistakes and missed opportunities that may be costing you thousands, and show you how proactive planning can save those dollars. We guarantee you’ll leave with new information, or we’ll donate $50 to your favorite charity. So call now to schedule your Analysis or email us by clicking here.

tax coaching

Tax Planning Can Be A Competitive Edge
It’s vital in today’s economy for you and your business to take advantage of effective tax advice and planning. Effective tax planning can give you and your business a significant competitive advantage. Whether you’re a small owner-managed business or have millions of dollars in sales and many locations you need to incorporate smart legal strategies for reducing federal and state income and capital tax bite at every level.

Are you confident you’re taking advantage of every tax break you deserve?
The world is full of tax preparers who can put the "right" numbers in the right boxes on the right forms by the right deadlines. But what are they doing to make sure you get all the breaks you deserve? When was the last time your tax preparer came to you and said "here's an idea I think will save you money?"
At Scholl & Arensdorf, we believe proactive tax planning is the key to keeping more of what you make. Proactive tax planning means scouring your income and expenses for every available deduction, credit, loophole and opportunity. And without "aggressive" strategies, "gray areas" or "red flags."

Our Tax Coaching Service
Our tax coaching service gives you a plan for keeping your tax bite in check, legally.  Traditional tax "planning"crunches numbers to illustrate what-if scenarios based on future assumptions. It gives you dry numbers, in more detail than you need or want. But you don’t want numbers you want savings.


tax Audit representation & offers in compromise

IRS Audits and Other Audits Are Survivable! No one wants to face the stress and uncertainty of an IRS audit. But, it is not just the IRS that can demand you support your reported amounts. State tax agencies, sales tax agencies, local agencies and special tax districts all can potentially knock on your door.
We know just how to organize your return information to best present your position. Before the scheduled audit appointment we will help you get your records together and organized in such a way that you can clarify and justify your position to the agency. We will help you present to the auditor your information in a straight-forward, factual and lawfully supported manner.
Offers in Compromise
We've all heard the radio and television ads making it appear that it is easy to hire that "expert" that will get you into a position where you pay the IRS only pennies on the dollar. Those commercial come-ons worry us because we know what the real rules are for offers in compromise with the Internal Revenue Service. An offer in compromise is not a generous gift from the IRS. 
In fact, the IRS agrees. "Such promoters make money by inappropriately advising indebted taxpayers to file an application for an offer in compromise with the IRS, promising unrealistic results, even when the taxpayers do not meet the requirements of the program. This bad advice costs taxpayers money and time." You can read the full IRS warning at
Indeed IRS offers in compromise are real and do happen. But they are far from easy or guaranteed and far more often than not most taxpayers don't qualify. How do you determine if you may qualify?  You can give Scholl & Arensdorf, LLP a call to schedule a free consultation and we will help you evaluate your situation.