Tax Planning

Jedi Tax Planning

I have no idea how the evil Empire collected taxes a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. (I suspect that R2D2 kept awesome records in case he was audited; Darth Vader hid his money on Endor, a forest moon bearing a striking resemblance to the Cayman Islands; and Chewbacca never bothered to file at all.) But here in the U.S., gains from the sale of a business are treated as capital gains and subject to tax up to 15%. Lucas is taking half of his proceeds in Disney stock, so that part escapes tax for now. (He'll pay if he sells those Disney shares sometime down the road.) But that still leaves up to $2 billion in fully taxable cash gains. And that means up to $300 million in tax for Uncle Sam.

At least, that's how it works this year. On January 1, the Empire strikes back, when those Bush-era rates expire. Unless Washington gives us a new hope, that capital gains rate jumps to 20%. President Obama has said he wants to extend the current rates for income under $200,000 ($250,000 for joint filers), and the Senate has passed a bill to do just that. But if the 20% Clinton capital gains rate returns, at least for guys in Lucas's bracket, selling in 2013 could have cost him up to $100 million more in immediate tax. That's at least enough to recondition a Millenium Falcon or two!

Watching Out for the Cliff

Ordinarily, I use these posts to discuss fun items related to taxes and finances. I know that you can read the usual boring articles about the usual boring tax topics pretty much anywhere else. And most of you are happy to let me worry about "the details."

Every so often, though, I need to discuss more serious issues, even if it's just to let you know that I’m on top of them. That's the case today with the so-called "fiscal cliff" -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's clever term for what happens on January 1, when a bunch of current tax rules expire, and some new rules take effect. Here's a quick rundown of what to expect:

  • The Bush tax cuts expire. That means the top rates on ordinary income goes from 35% to 39.6%; the top rate on capital gains goes from 15% to 20%; and the top rate on qualified dividends jumps from 15% to 39.6%. Much of the debate over tax rates focuses on

Gentlemen Prefer Tax-Free

Fifty years after her mysterious death, Marilyn Monroe's image remains as profitable as ever. In 1999, the dress she wore to sing "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" to John F. Kennedy sold at auction for $1.26 million. Forbes magazine lists her as #3 on their "Top-Earning Dead Celebrities" list (topped only by Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley). And In 2009, a Japanese man paid $4.6 million for the crypt directly above hers at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles. (Some people really do have too much money.)

Now Marilyn is in the news again, this time for the financial consequences of her tax planning. If Hollywood made the story into a movie, nobody would believe it.

When Marilyn died in 1962, she left $40,000 to her secretary, 25% of her estate to her psychiatrist, and the remaining 75% of her estate, including the "residuary," to her friend and acting coach, Lee Strasberg. The estate sat in probate for 41 years before finally settling, with the bulk of the assets eventually passing to an entity called Monroe, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company managed by Strasberg's widow. (It might be worth mentioning here that Alexander the Great took just ten years to conquer the entire civilized world.)

Marilyn died at her home in California. However, she executed her Last Will and Test


The clock is ticking down on "summer." July 4th barbecues are a distant memory, and Labor Day is looming near. Forget about baseball's pennant races starting to heat up. Forget about the upcoming NFL season. It's time to talk basketball!

Taiwanese-American point guard Jeremy Lin played college ball at Harvard, where he notched an Ivy League-record 1,483 points, 487 rebounds, 406 assists, and 225 steals. That might have been enough to get drafted if "Ivy League" earned any respect with NBA scouts. Instead, he walked on to the Dallas Mavericks and warmed various benches for the Golden State Warriors, Houston Rockets, and (Chinese Basketball Association) Dongguan Leopards before catching fire with the New York Knicks. He averaged 18.5 points and 7.6 assists over 26 games before leaving because of a torn meniscus. But

Tax Code Runs Deep

American capitalism has produced generations of great brand names, and Chevrolet is one of the most iconic. Swiss race car driver Louis Chevrolet founded his car company in 1911, then sold it to his partner just four years later. General Motors acquired the company in 1918, and positioned Chevrolet as an everyman's car to compete with Ford's Model T. The company prospered through the 1950s and 60s, producing the legendary Corvette among other models. More recently, Chevy was caught in the economic downturn of 2007-2010, leading to General Motors bankruptcy reorganization. But GM and Chevy rebounded quickly, and now actually are in one of the strongest periods in their history.

Right now, Chevrolet is running a truly bold marketing campaign for our era of skeptical consumers. Their "Love It or Return It" campaign lets you buy any new Chevy through September 4 — and, as the name implies, if you don't love it, you can actually return it. There's fine print, of course. You have just 60 days to decide, and you can't drive it more than 4,000 miles. Oh, and — you knew the tax angle was coming, right — "you may be subject to federal, state, or local tax on any benefit paid."

Report Card Time

Memorial Day has come and gone, and the school year is quickly winding down, if it isn't already over. Kids are getting excited for summer vacation, and there's just one hurdle left — the dreaded report card. (If your kids are getting nervous and antsy around mail time, you might want to pay attention!)

Kids in school aren't the only ones who have to sweat report-card time. That's right, the IRS gets a report-card time, too. In fact, they get two. By law, National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson has to submit two reports to Congress each year: the "Objectives Report," which outlines goals and activities planned for the coming year, and the "Annual Report," which summarizes the 20 most serious problems encountered by taxpayers, recommendations for solving those problems, and other IRS efforts to improve "customer" service and reduce taxpayer burden.